Kick-start and communicate your sustainability work


Companies can only function in the long term with insight into their products and services’ impact on the environment, people, and the society that supports the business.

The market’s expectations for sustainable solutions are increasing rapidly, placing new demands on a business model based on sustainability.

Are you moving ahead in the right direction?

Sharpen focus by analyzing the impact, setting goals and creating shared added value for increased societal benefit. Strengthen purpose by identifying driving forces, inventorying resources and connecting them to the world’s needs. Identify stakeholders to build long-term relationships. Develop a strategy to sharpen the offer, create new business opportunities and find your niche in the market. Finally, strengthen the brand through storytelling for relevant messages and trustworthy communication.


Sustainable enterprising opens up new business opportunities

Entrepreneurs and small companies must operate sustainably to remain relevant in the market. Green business transition creates a range of competitive advantages and allows the chance to create unique added value and societal benefits. It strengthens customer relations and enables companies to niche themselves in the market — a blue ocean of new business opportunities.

We are dedicated to helping Swedish SMEs start and set sustainable business goals. As Sustainability Coach, we have divided the sustainability work into five steps. We help set up an action plan and offer support and pep talks along the way.

Sustainability communication strengthens the brand

Sustainable companies build strong relationships with customers and stakeholders alike. With storytelling, you convey your true purpose and your why. What drives you, what you strive to achieve, and how you solve problems. Everything that characterizes your brand.

We help companies communicate their sustainability work in Swedish and English. For storytelling, a storyboard is created, comprising of a description of the company, vision, brand, values, morals, tone of voice, themes, key scenes etc, and is used for creating different stories.


Sustainability Coach helps businesses to

  • Analyze the compnay’s environmental impact
  • Find focus and orientation for the sustainability work
  • Identify company purpose and start creating added value
  • Map new target groups and build relationships
  • Explore a strategy for new business opportunities
  • Strengthen the brand and communicate the sustainability work
Maria Lindberg Howard

Maria Lindberg Howard
Sustainability Coach / Copywriter / Journalist
+46 (0)708 85 05 28
Connect with me on LINKEDIN


Sustainability Coach

What is the point of trying to do the right thing when it’s just a drop in the ocean? But infinite drops are created to form an ocean when we all work together.

Throughout my professional life, I have worked with communication. My clients are companies of all sizes in a variety of industries. It has given me a deeper understanding of different organizations’ challenges and opportunities.

As a copywriter and marketing specialist, I am accustomed to seeing things in a larger context and quickly getting acquainted with business ideas, products and services. Depending on the channel and message, I write commercially and editorially and adapt texts to the recipients.

VOCATIONAL EDUCATION: Copywriter (Berghs School of Communication), journalist (Poppius Journalist School), and a wide range of further education in communication. Certified Business 4SDGs Change Leader in sustainability according to Agenda 2030 (VATI Academy), Coaching leadership (Coach2Coach Academy), and 8 Steps for Circular Business (CirEko Academy), and several courses in entrepreneurship, business development, sustainability, and circular economy. I continue to immerse myself in the area of sustainable enterprising and communication.


We take responsibility for our part in changing the market

The Ethical Move is a global movement of business leaders who believe that business can be a force for good in the world. That marketing without manipulation can be successful. And that companies can treat their staff, customers, and value chain well AND make a profit.

We put the person before the sale. We communicate inclusively, truthfully, and clearly. We take responsibility for our part in changing the marketplace. We have taken the pledge. #ethicalmove